1. Introducing Our New & Innovative Puzzles

    Melissa & Doug, the #1 children’s puzzle brand, introduces a new line of innovative puzzles available now in stores and online! One of the most beneficial types of toys for helping improve logical thinking, goal setting, patience, visual recognition, and problem-solving...
  2. What Playing Dollhouse Teaches Our Children

    The Benefits of Playing with a Dollhouse Playing pretend is a staple for children. It fosters imagination and creativity—skills that will benefit your kiddo throughout school and life. Playing dollhouse gives children a chance to create stories, learn life, organizational, and...
  3. How Creative Play and Arts & Crafts Help Kids Develop Key Skills

    Our friend and blog contributor Kristi Nguyen, OTR/L, a licensed occupational therapist who’s the owner/executive director of Connecticut-based OT-Kids, LLC, shares her insights on how creative arts & crafts play can positively impact your child’s overall development. In a world that seems...
  4. Best Throwback Toys and Gifts for the Holidays

    There’s nothing more nostalgic than watching your child unwrap a classic toy that you unwrapped yourself as a child. If you want to connect with your child on that deeper level, have you considered taking a walk down memory lane? ...
  5. Best Holiday Toys & Gifts for 4-Year-Olds

    The holidays are a magical time, and for 4-year-olds, it’s prime time for pretend play and hands-on fun! If you're searching to find the perfect Christmas present or holiday gift for the 4-year-old child in your life, we’ve got you...
  6. Top Toys Every Grandparent Should Have

    Whether you’re a grandparent who provides child care on a regular basis or one who sees the grandkids a couple times of year, it’s important to have a select number of engaging toys on hand when they come to visit....
  7. Best Holiday Toys for School Aged Kids

    Melissa & Doug is rightly well-known for its quality, long-lasting developmental toys for babies and preschool children. But if you’re a parent or caregiver with school-aged kids at home, we offer a variety of toys that will engage, entertain, and...
  8. The Power of Developmental Play

    This is the second in a series of blog posts on the skill-building power of different types of play. Shape sorters and stackers….Activity centers that have kids pushing, pulling, pounding, flipping, and turning…“Manipulatives” that can be moved around to explore cause-and-effect. These...
  9. Toys that Grow with Your Child

    Everything seems to happen so fast these days, so it’s not unusual for kids to outgrow their toys in just a few months or perhaps even a few weeks. As a result, many parents find themselves collecting and storing toys...
  10. Melissa & Doug Proposed Product Submission Agreement

    BACKGROUND Before making your submission, please carefully review our Terms & Conditions of Voluntary Submission. We recommend that you hire an attorney to help you understand our terms. After you have read these Terms & Conditions and acknowledged that you...

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