Carbon Offsets Disclosure

Melissa & Doug, LLC is carbon neutral in its own operations through the purchase of carbon offsets.  As part of its Project Restore sustainability initiatives, the company began annual purchasing of carbon offsets in 2022 to offset the prior year’s emissions.

Melissa & Doug’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions are identified and calculated by following the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.  Emissions are measured annually, and carbon offsets are purchased annually based on those calculated emissions. Carbon offsets represent the capture or reduction of harmful greenhouse gasses emitted from sources such as landfills, fossil fuels or refrigerants.  Melissa & Doug has contracted with external consultants such as EY, for calculation and validation of emissions data. The operational control criteria is used to define Melissa & Doug’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions boundary. 

Offsets have been purchased from Unitor Redd (VCS2508) and Blandin Forestry (ACR 212) via Bonneville Environmental Foundation.